Monday, May 13, 2013

First Post-OP Visit

         Friday was here already and I had an appointment to go back and meet with my surgeon. I'm sure it just going to be a quick check on my incision and what not to make sure I'm staying on top of my stuff, and like ever other hospital trip they would probably be drawing blood. Justin and my sis were with me, I learned that before I left to go to Philly that Ed was in surgery for an infection. They were doing a "wash out" inside of him  just to make sure that everything was ok. This made me sad knowing that he was back in surgery but I was hoping that they found whatever it was they were looking for and were going to be able to get him more comfortable after that. Sure enough, I got to Philly, they checked my incision, said everything was looking good and to keep up the good work. The doctor told me I was able to swim and stationary bike now. (Climbing the ladder slowly). I am due back on the 21st for my next visit. Looks like hopefully by June 4th I'll be cleared to be able to drive again. This not being able to drive shit really sucks!! After my appointment we went over to the OR waiting room to wait and see what we could hear about how Ed's procedure went. The doctor came out and said all good things pretty much, no negative news. They were able to do everything that they had planned on doing when  they had him open and hope that it will make a difference and help with his pain. I was very glad to hear good news for him. While we were waiting for him to go back to his room a nurse came around and was updating people in the waiting room on patient status's. When she came over to us she started talking and said that she had remembered him going in for surgery the week before (when we were starting the transplant) I told her I was the donor and she seemed shocked to see me almost. She said I looked good and reminded me how great of a thing I had done. She said she never got a chance to really see a donor after surgery that close in time and she said now I can I can tell people in the future that if you do what your supposed to do you will bounce back in no time. We had to leave Philly to get back so my sister could get to work. Today was Justin's birthday so we were going to the office to have cake and stuff for him. He had to take a call when we got back so I went to Maritsas down the street and got my typical lunch (Bacon Cheeseburger melt on Rye with french fries) I saw my friend Morgan and Melissa who worked there and caught up with them for a little bit before returning to the office. Amie picked me up from Maritsas with Justin's kids and we went back to the office to light the candle and give him his gift from us. We did that all that and then I was ready to head back home, I ran across the street to the pharmacy and picked up the prescription that I had dropped off earlier in the day. Amie drove me home and I went  in and took a quick power nap before Lyman came and picked me up. Once he got me we went up to "The Jug" a common place where I would hit happy hour and get wings on Fridays. (Seems like its been forever at this point). Went up there and met a few good friends sat outside at the gazebo bar drinking coke and just bull shittin' on a nice afternoon. It was really nice.  About 8:00 I was sore and tired so we headed back  to my house and I feel right asleep when I got in the door. I woke about 9:00 and my friend Jen came by to pick me up to take me to go get some food. We ended up hanging out for awhile and then I went back home and again, feel asleep right away. It was a long Friday but I was feeling pretty good at this point....ready for the days to keep moving, the pain to get better, and for me and Eddie to be back to 100%. I took this picture the day after I came home, there's my new mark. The 2 holes at the bottom of it are where they had the drains going in my side.

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