Monday, April 29, 2013

The road leading up to FINALLY here!

So surgery is Tuesday, there's a million things going through my head at this point. I've realized that I need to stop and just focus on whats in front of me. Make sure I get to talk to everyone that I wanted to talk to before I go into the hospital in the morning, I went and had a great breakfast and great lunch since I have to stop eating at 3pm and then move to the "clear fluid diet". Visited with a few friends and came home and actually felt tired. I had no intention of being able to get any sleep that night but went right upstairs and fell asleep. I did feel like as soon as I closed my eyes my alarm was going off to wake up, that could be because it was 4:50am. This was probably the first time I got up the first time that my alarm went off. I was up and ready for the trip to the OR. Got to the hospital I was still very anxious to just get the show on the road and get going. I was in the admissions office not long before the called me back to get changed into my awesome hospital gear. I saw Eddie (my recipient) while we were there and he had a smile on his face, I knew that he knew that the day had finally come and this was the light at the end of the tunnel for him. I sat back in the pre-op area for awhile why they got the operating room ready and I signed some final papers. Mom and Sis were with me and you could tell the were scared but also being very brave at the same time, which made it a little easier on me. My boss (Justin) came back with the cardboard bouquet of flowers that he stole of the receptionist's desk and gave me my last good laugh before surgery. They came and put my IV in and before I knew it everything was ready to go. I gave my mom and my sister a hug and a kiss and they both started to cry. I just smiled and told them I would see them in a few hours and to be strong, the both smiled at me and nodded their heads. I saw Eddie in his bed as I was heading to the OR, smiled at him and gave him a "thumbs up" and told him I'd see him soon too. I got back in the OR, they hooked me up to a couple things, gave me some medicine and told me I'd be asleep soon. I closed my eyes and asked God to make sure I got through this ok.

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